Doing Micro Influencers For Real

Moving Methodically As an overview, methodology implies working methodically. Both words are so closely related that they can be used interchangeably. Both imply proceeding in a measured, step by step manner towards an overarching purpose. The main advantage of this methodological approach is that each step is finite and at the same part of a … Read more

Take Decisive Action

There is no point in learning about micro influencers — or anything for that matter — if you cannot act on it. This post, therefore, is about transforming your micro influencer knowledge into action. And, in keeping with the action-oriented spirit of my website, I want to move you from ‘theory’ to practice as fast … Read more

Getting Your Own Micro Influencer

Your Next Move Sticking to our original three niches from the previous post — beauty; fitness and health; fashion — let’s outline what your plan would look like. You’re in no way restricted by these three niches. If you recall, we chose these niches for their popularity and lucrativeness and, in the first place, as … Read more

Micro Influencers For You

What’s the point of learning if you can’t apply it? That question is a natural progression from the previous post (Click Here) in which I provided concrete evidence of the transformative effect of micro influencers in three specific niches (see below). That was the knowledge base required for this post — where our question must … Read more

Micro Influencers In Affiliate Marketing

Who Needs A Micro Influencer? When they first started emerging on social media most of us might have regarded them, somewhat condescendingly, as mere juveniles crashing the party. As it turns out, the adults were wrong — thinking that the kids might not last till winter. It was the classic intergenerational struggle being waged digitally … Read more

8020 Rule Applied To Affiliate Marketing

As affiliate marketers, we’re in the optimising business. We tweak and tweak until we get the best results. In the previous post (See here) I discussed hard evidence — the gold standard by which we judge whether something actually works. I also discussed the role of skepticism — healthy skepticism — in our quest for … Read more

The 80/20 Principle In Affiliate Marketing

Skepticism isn’t a bad thing in itself. It’s what got us science and technology, in the first place. Skepticism is the very basis of what’s called the scientific method — the idea that nothing’s acceptable without concrete proof — hard evidence, in other words. The last post (Click here) introduced the 80/20 principle with the … Read more